Case Studies

Sexey's School

Sexey's School Logo“Being a boarding school it is imperative that our children are protected 24 hours a day. Our Opendium UTM server monitors and reports on each individual user’s activity, alerting us to any possible issues and providing the tools we need to make sure our students are safe both in and out of the normal school day”

— Dave Hill, IT Systems Manager, Sexey’s School, Bruton, Somerset

Port Regis School

Port Regis School Logo“Having worked with Opendium for over three years I can whole-heartedly recommend them. Their product does everything we need to keep our systems and our users secure. Their ever-ready support team always go the extra mile to solve any issues we might have, even when those issues are caused by unrelated systems.”

— Rob Woods, ICT Manager, Port Regis School, Shaftesbury, Dorset

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Sherborne School

Sherborne School Logo“Opendium have been supporting us and our network operations for many years. Their technical knowledge and skills are of the highest level and the consistent quality of their advice is completely reassuring. We know we are in safe hands when their support team are on the case.”

— John Willetts, Head of ICT Services, Sherborne School, Sherborne, Dorset

Holyrood Academy

Holyrood Academy Logo"When we ring up we are instantly talking to an expert who not only understands the product but also the pressure we are under to resolve any issues. Opendium always goes that extra mile, even when the problem isn’t theirs."

— Ken Sealey, ICT Manager, Holyrood Academy, Chard, Somerset

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Chatsmore Catholic High School

Chatsmore Catholic High School Logo“One of Opendium's strongest assets is their availability to help. You can pick up the phone, talk to them and get a resolution and an answer in the same phone call”

— Joe Fairbairn, Network Manager, Chatsmore Catholic High School, Goring, West Sussex